

AOTC, Art on the Corner Gallery, Broadway at 107th Street, July - September 2022


The Gallery at W83, 150 West 83 Street, (between Columbus and Amsterdam) New York NY

“Above/Below” exhibit: the “Underground” subway series, along with urban paintings by Joshua Benson.

January 23 - March 23 2020


AlfaArts Gallery, Broad Street, New Brunswick, New Jersey November 2019 - January 2020


Metropolitan College of New York, 60 West Street at Rector Street, financial district; solo exhibition of "Underground" watercolors. Sixth - Seventh floor gallery areas.


The New York Transit Museum, solo exhibition of "Underground" watercolors; Brooklyn Heights, NY, May 10, 2016 through February 10, 2017


The American Watercolor Society, 149th Annual Exhibition at the Salmagundi Club, April 4-24, New York; recipient of the Winsor & Newton Award for "Wet Floor"


The National Watercolor Society, juried Members Exhibition, Los Angeles

The Salmagundi Club, New York


George Billis Gallery, Chelsea, NY   Group Exhibit: "Industrial Beauty"

The New School, Solo Exhibit: "Underground Series"  The New School University, Bridge Gallery May-June

Armature Arts Gallery, Bushwick, NY      BuskNYC group show


The National Watercolor Society, 93rd Annual Exhibition, Los Angeles CA     

 Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Exhibit, New York

 The New School University, New York

 The Salmagundi Club, New York


The National Watercolor Society, 92nd Annual Exhibition, Los Angeles CA

The Allied Artists of America, 99th Annual Exhibition, New York City

The Salmagundi Club, New York City


The Salmagundi Club, New York City


The Atlantic Gallery, New York City "Toys" group show, summer 2007