


AOTC, Art on the Corner Gallery, Broadway at 107th Street, July - September 2022


Gallery W83, 150 West 83 St, exhibition titled “Above and Below” with Joshua Benson. January 23 - March 22, 2020


Metropolitan College of New York, financial district; solo exhibition of "Underground" watercolors; May 16, 2017 through mid-August 2017

2016 -  2017

The New York Transit Museum, solo exhibition of "Underground" watercolors; Brooklyn Heights, NY, May 2016 through February 2017


The American Watercolor Society, 149th Annual Exhibition, April, New York; recipient of the Winsor & Newton Award for "Wet Floor"


The National Watercolor Society, juried Members Exhibition, Los Angeles

 The Salmagundi Club, New York


"Industrial Beauty" group show, The George Billis Gallery, Chelsea, New York

Solo Exhibit "Underground Series"  May 20 - June 2, The New School, NYC

Armature Arts Gallery, Bushwick, Brooklyn; group show by BuskNYC


The National Watercolor Society, 93rd Annual Exhibition, Los Angeles CA     

Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club Exhibit, New York

The New School, group show, New York


The National Watercolor Society, 92nd Annual Exhibition, Los Angeles CA

The Allied Artists of America, 99th Annual Exhibition, New York City

The Salmagundi Club, New York City


The Salmagundi Club, New York City


"Toys" group show, The Atlantic Gallery, New York City


awards and honors

2016     Recipient of the Winsor & Newton Award for "Wet Floor," exhibited in The American Watercolor Society, 149th Exhibition.

2012     Best in Show, Class exhibit, Salmagundi Club, New York City



Watercolor Artist Magazine, October 2015

"Dark Splendors" feature article by John A. Parks on the Underground series


*Hana Alberts, “Moody Noir Watercolors of the Subway: The Subterranean Jungle, “ CurbedNY , July 16, 2013,

(accessed July 17, 2013).


*Jowy Romano, “Stunning Subway Watercolors by Joan Iaconetti,” Subway Blog, July 12, 2013,   (accessed July 13, 2013).

Manhattan watercolorist Joan Iaconetti’s first solo exhibit at The New School imagines the mundane, post-graffiti subway as a dark, deliciously sinister world full of vertiginous angles, dripping platforms, swarming riders, all done in layer upon layer of monochromatic watercolor. Her large-scale watercolors made their first appearance here, and were later called “evocative neo-noir” by the Curbed.NY architecture blog.



Details at

Watercolor for Absolute Beginners classes; basic Drawing classes;

intermediate level watercolor workshops, New York City.  2004-present



The Art Students League, New York City

The Cooper Union, New York City

Northern Illinois University, MA

The Dayton Art Institute

University of Dayton, BS


about / bio

Paintings in Joan Iaconetti's Underground series have been shown in several national juried exhibits, as well as the New York Transit Museum and  the Metropolitan College of New York. Her paintings have been featured in Watercolor Artist Magazine and Practique des Arts, a French online artist magazine.

Originally from Racine, Wisconsin, Joan moved to New York in 1980 and began painting in watercolor in 1998. Frustrated by her early instruction, or lack thereof, she was mostly self-taught until studying at the Art Students League in 2011.

She developed and began teaching Watercolor for Absolute Beginners ("the class I wish I'd been able to take") in 2004 at The New School's IRP organization in New York, and began painting seriously a few years later. She continues to teach and paint in her Union Square studio in New York City. Details at


